Collection: New Arrivals

1535 products

New furniture arrivals! Find the newest items to arrive at Wholesale Furniture Brokers Canada!

Find the newest items available to order online at Wholesale Furniture Brokers Canada on this page. The newest furniture items will appear at the top of the page. New items are added regularly, so come back often to check out all of the latest items. You can scroll down and click on a product listing to find out more details about the new items. Watch for more new items from your favourite manufacturers.

We're stocking popular products in our Canadian warehouse so we can deliver them to you faster. New products are arriving all the time, so browse our products because we can ship quick to your home in Canada!

If you would like help customizing and ordering your new furniture, you can call us toll free at 1-866-652-0352. We can help you customize the look of your entire interior decor.
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